Locksmith Greenwich

Locksmith Greenwich

Lockmaster1 ID Requirements for Service

At Lockmaster1, we prioritise your safety and the security of your property. To ensure that our services are provided only to those with the legal right to access a property, we require the following identification:

Required IDs

  • Government-issued photo ID:
    • Driver’s licence
    • Passport
  • Proof of Residence:
    • Utility bill (dated within the last 3 months)
    • Lease agreement
  • Authorisation (if applicable):
    • Written and signed authorisation from the property owner or manager

Presence Requirement

The person entitled to access the property must be present and remain with the locksmith throughout the work. This ensures clarity about the legitimacy of the entry, protecting both the locksmith and the property owner.

Data Handling Policy

  • Retention Period: Proof of ID will be retained for 12 months.
  • Purpose: The data is held to ensure security and legal compliance, preventing unauthorised access.
  • Data Security: All retained data will be securely stored and accessible only by authorised personnel.
  • Right to Erasure: Customers have the right to request the deletion of their personal data unless there is an overriding legal need to retain it.

Why We Require ID

This policy is in place for your protection and the security of your premises. It helps prevent unauthorised individuals from gaining access to your property. By verifying your ID, we ensure that our services are not misused, maintaining safety for you and your property.

Right to Contact Police

If we find the provided identification insufficient or suspicious, or if doubts arise about the legitimacy of a request to enter the premises, we reserve the right to contact the police. This ensures that information and data are verified by law enforcement, maintaining the highest security standards for our customers.

Legal Compliance and Protection

To protect ourselves and ensure compliance with UK law:

  • Occupiers’ Liability Act 1957 & 1984: We maintain a duty of care to visitors, verifying identities and ensuring legal access.
  • Data Protection Act 2018 & GDPR: We retain personal data only as necessary, complying with GDPR requirements on data retention and security.

Contact Us

For further information regarding our ID policy, please contact us:

Phone: 020 8856 0874 or 07908 959198
Email: info@lockmaster1.co.uk

Map Listing:


Submit Your Identification

Please click the link below to send your identification information and documents to us via email:

Submit Your Identification